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Pastor’s Corner | Secular Passion Is Not A Christian’s Goal

    Mark Cuban is the owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team and a self-made multi-billionaire. A recent quote of his is as follows, “If you put in enough time, and you get really good, I will give you a little secret: Nobody quits anything they are good at because it is fun to be good. It is fun to be one of the best. But in order to be one of the best, you have to put in effort. So, don’t follow your passions, follow your effort.” says Cuban.

    The meaning of “Passion” is often defined in secular society as our emotions. When a Christian depends on that type of “Passion,” his/her Christian walk is like living on a roller coaster of feelings/experiences…..up and down. “Passion” is also defined as ones convictions and this meaning provides stability in our “faith.” Jesus didn’t model a “Passion based on feelings/emotions,” but served, based on love and burden. Jesus modeled commitment, conviction/burden, and deep dedication toward mankind…even to the cross! May we all worry less about our emotions and more about how we can serve the Kingdom of our Lord! Getting this message to the whole of our church is something we must band together in accomplishing.  May we be strong and truly passionate by serving from conviction, not feelings alone.

    簡牧師的話:  俗世的熱情不是基督徒的目標

     Mark Cuban達拉斯小牛籃球隊的東主,他是白手起家的億萬富翁。引用他最近所說的:「如果你用了足夠時間,把一件事做得很好,我會告訴你一個小秘密:沒有人會半途而廢做得很好的事。因為把事做好是很開心的。 但是要成為個中佼佼者,你必須盡心努力。 所以不要跟隨你的喜愛、熱情,要跟隨你的努力。

    「喜愛、熱情」俗世釋義為情緒。當基督徒依靠此種「喜愛、熱情」,他或她的基督徒生活就會像乘雲霄飛車,情緒起伏 …… 忽高,忽低。「喜愛、熱情」也釋義為「一個人的確信」,這給予我們信仰的堅定。要效法耶穌沒有「依據感情或情緒的熱情」,而是依據愛及負擔服事。要效法耶穌的委身,堅信或負擔及深重奉獻,直到十字架! 願我們少擔心我們的情緒,多關心我們如何可以更加多些伺奉 主的國! 致我們全教會的一個信息就是完成這目標,我們必須團結。 願我們信仰堅定並熱情(信服服事)