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Pastor’s Word |The values of the Christ!

    Pastor’s Word: The values of the Christ!
    (Ephesians 5: 25 – 27)

    As a Christian, I am to be a “follower of Christ!” My values are to be like His. Ephesians 5 clarifies my behavior and values as follows: “ Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.”

    At any point that any of us says or does that which harms the church and its’ mission, we sin. Christ loved the church (the people of God) so greatly that he went to the cross of Calvary as the sacrifice for our sins. When I consider the Jesus that is my mentor, I recognize that I greatly lack in my skills and commitment in allowing Jesus to be fully my Lord. My inconsistencies and unpredictability in my daily walk undoubtedly disappoint not only myself, but my friends, lost acquaintances, and my Lord. Yet, the miracle remains that God is forgiving of my poor behavior and promises to use me in His service. What a wonderful Savior that I claim in Jesus.

    May we all be forgiving of each other, as Christ has forgiven us. May we all find joy in knowing that Christ loved the church (us) as we learn to be loving toward the church as well. May we learn consistency of character as we focus less on our own needs/ reputations and more on the Kingdom of God that guides our daily meaning and purpose. With our words and service, we either help or harm God’s beloved church. I pray that we daily hunger to be useful within the church of Christ.




    牧师的话: 基督重视的!
    以弗所书5:25 – 27)

    身为基督徒,我是一个「基督的跟随者」! 我的价值观与他的一样。以弗所书五章说明我的态度和价值观: 「…..正如基督爱教会,为教会舍己。要用水藉著道把教会洗净成为圣洁,可以先给自己,做个荣耀的教会,毫无玷污、皱纹等类的病,乃是圣洁没有瑕疵的。」

    在任何时候我们中有任何人说任何事伤害教会和祂的大使命,我们是有罪的。基督这么爱他的教会(一群属上帝的人)。他会为了我们的罪牺牲,走向各各他的十字架。我知道耶稣是我的良师;跟随 主耶稣,让祂做我完全的主,我的委身仍然大大的不足。我的不一致,不可以预测的,每日与神同行行为,有时使我自己,也使我的朋友,灵魂失丧的人,和我的主失望。但是奇迹是上帝仍原谅我不对的态度和承诺,愿用我服事祂。我要称扬 耶稣是一个令人惊叹的救赎者。

    愿我们原谅彼此, 好像耶稣基督已经饶恕了我们一样。 知道基督爱教会(我们),我们也要爱祂的教会;祈愿我们在其中找到喜乐。 希望我们一致学习把重点少放在我们个人的需要和名位上,而多在神的国度上,祂指引我们每天生命的意义和目的。我们的言语和事奉可以建立,也可以毁坏,上帝所爱的教会。我祈求我们每日都渴望我们可以被基督的教会使用。