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Pastor’s Word: Being a Humble Leader….Possible?|成为一个谦卑的领袖….可能吗?

    How can a leader be both transparent and humble? How can his/her work be known by others without him appearing self-promoting? Does being a leader mean one has to always have a quick answer to all problems and talk as if he/she knows everything? Does being a leader demand an extroverted personality?
    Recently, I had a well-meaning friend share some “often heard” advice regarding the importance of others knowing what ministries I am involved in. Over the years, I have watched politicians, ministers, educators, businessmen, and others “climb their respective ladders of success” when there is only one observer that should really matter. After all, He can arrange for any changes in our life condition as He sees fit! As I listened to this recent friend, I couldn’t help but think of Moses for he is one of my mentors and has guided me through many temptations over the years.
    In the Old Testament, especially in the Book of Exodus, we find the Israelite people regularly complaining to Moses, their leader. They needed food. They needed water. They needed direction in the desert. They needed an idol in the form of a golden calf. They needed everything! Moses’ modeling for them, and us, was simple. He didn’t debate with the Israelites. He didn’t discuss philosophies nor provide quick responses to their concerns. He didn’t call for a “vote of confidence” for his leadership! Moses simply asked God’s direction and led. As a result, Numbers 12:3 says of Moses, “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.” Even in his leading, he was focused not on himself but God.

    What motivates our service to the Lord? Is man’s praise really that important to us? Sure, my friend was correct in the sense that all people like to know that they are supporting the work of a hard worker (Matt. 5:16). The worker appreciates the recognition of men but if that is required to see us serve the Lord, we are already a failure.
    My prayer for us all is that the models of Moses, Job, and others may be more than interesting Biblical characters but true guides for our decision making and life habits. They led with expectancy and courage knowing that God held their lives in His hands. We must choose whom we serve, why we serve, and whether we serve from strength or weakness.


    最近一个好意的朋友分享一些「常听到的」忠告:让他人知道我做的事工。过去这些年,我看过许多政治家、牧者、教育家、商人及其它「爬向各自成功阶梯」的人;而人生中却只有一个真正值得注意的观看者。毕竟 祂可以依 祂看为合适的来改变我们! 我一边听这位朋友的话,一边不禁想到我的良师之一摩西,过去多年来他指引我走过多次诱惑。

    我们伺奉上帝的动机是什么? 人对我们的称赞真的是那么重要吗?当然,我的朋友是对的,在某方面所有人都喜欢知道他们支持的人是勤劳做工的(马太:5:16)。 工人感激被人认知;但是如果这是必须的要求,那我们就失败了。

    我的祷告是摩西 、约伯等人的榜样不只是有趣的圣经角色而已,他们更确实指引我们做的决定和生活习惯。他们带着期盼和勇气带领人,知道他们的性命掌握在 祂的手中。我们必须选择谁是我们伺奉的对象?为什么我们要伺奉 祂?以及我们是否伺奉有力?