Missions + Outreach

The Cooperative Program is the Southern Baptist Convention’s unified plan of giving through which cooperating Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of their respective state convention, missions, and ministries. The Cooperative Program is all about Southern Baptists working together to make disciples locally and around the world.
The State of Arizona has the largest population of Native Americans living inside the American Indian Reservations designated by the U.S. Government, the nations within a nation. Among these Native Americans, less than 5% are Christians. There are not many evangelical churches on the reservation. There are even fewer Native American pastors.
Since 1992, the experience of the mission project over the years has been an instrument of God’s calling, stirring the hearts of some participants to commit to full-time gospel ministry. God continues to call out YSMP participants to proclaim the gospel in places beyond the Reservations, and we look forward expectantly to how future participants will accept the calling. For everyone is called of God to participate in kingdom ministry and use their gifts.
We have established wonderful relationships with the Indian Baptist churches and their pastors. We have also established and strengthened the fellowship among many Chinese Baptist churches. To God be the glory for great things He has done and is continuing to do in us and through us! We thank God for the blessings and privilege of being a channel of His blessings in this exciting ministry.