Giving is an act of love. Please prayerfully consider partnering with FCBC Phoenix to support community outreach, care ministries, and mission work here & abroad.
Zelle is a common bank electronic funds transfer mechanism addressed to [email protected]
Instructions to setup your Zelle account:
1. Payee email address for Zelle: [email protected]
2. Payee Name: you may use FCBC or First Chinese Baptist Church (the Zelle account is registered as THE 1ST CHINESE BAPTIST CHURCH, PHOENIX, AZ)
3. If available, you may choose to select Recurring for your Zelle transfer by designating the start date and frequency you prefer.
4. For the Memo section, please designate the type of donation: Tithe, Regular Offering, Other (specify such as Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong, Memorial for name, etc.)
5. If you are a first time giver, please email [email protected] with your name and mailing address so that a year-end income tax donation statement may be sent.
Bank Bill Pay – a check is mailed from your financial institution to FCBC as payee
Mail a personal check addressed to:
FCBC Finance
4910 E. Earll Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85018